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Friday, October 29, 2010

What is really important

I was watching the World Series and before it had began there was ad after ad for the upcoming election. Sooo much negativity it's hard to decipher what is the truth, what are outright lies, and what are the half truths. The game starts and the people get lost for the moment in the sporting world watching the teams take the field getting all fired up for first pitch. The game was going on with a good pitchers duel so I thought I would get on the computer and watch the game also. HEY I'm multitasking... On my Facebook page I get some posts from friends and family as well as a little 7yr old named Max. Now Max doesn't post himself but I would think his family does this for him. You see Max is fighting for his life. He has a brain tumor. Currently he is going thru treatments and the posts seem to show highs and lows during the days. Pictures show Max as a happy little boy then as a child suffering with a deadly disease. Also, when I can, usually a couple of times a week, I visit my friend Marty. Marty also is fighting brain cancer. He's a couple of years younger than I am, was in remission from an earlier bout with a tumor (not in his brain) and was in, from an observers view, in very good shape. Marty is no longer walking, and having a hard time concentrating and eating, now is dropping weight. He can no longer work and has some short term memory problems. As these two fight on I sit here in relatively good health and take for granted all the real things around me. I am cynical of most things, people, politicians, authority. What I should do is be thankful I can see and hold my wife and sons. I still have hope of the boys growing up healthy and successful. I was blessed to have TWO very intelligent sons that from a learning standpoint, excelling in the school testing both rating well over the requirements in all categories. I have friends that have lost their children, not able to hold, talk, or just have fun with, I would think even arguing with them would be welcome.
Seeing my friends in their situations tells me, I need to be a better husband, father, and person. This is going to be a lifetime work in progress. I am pretty set in my personality. I hope that the future Bob could mentally reflect on the blessings he has and would appreciate things people more.

Wow the Giants just scored......See a work in progress. <-- A long way to go


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