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Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Election is near

As the 2010 election draws nearer and the gloves have been tossed aside by the candidates, I was wondering if any of them could possibly tell the truth if they were on their deathbed. You would think that the American public was soooo dumb that they want to listen to Bullshit coming from the mouths that want to make decisions that will effect them for the next 2-4-6 years. I would really want to know with the lies that come forward about the people running for office why o why are there not any lawsuits being filed. My guess is they let the lies about each other go because they're BOTH lying. The he said she said is pretty sad. When will it all end!!!!!! Certainly not until after Nov. 2nd. I think we will then be exposed to the agenda's of these politicians when they no longer have to fear us. Here in the Midwest (I'm in Illinois the land that Honesty forgot) We need to get out and Vote for the Diaper change this State needs. MY VOICE will be heard with my vote but alas 1 voice alone will be silenced by the shout of lies from louder politicians.  But worry not, I'd bet the farm that all the stories will again change from what actually happened to what the other one did in the next 4 years.

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