WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a grieving father's pain over mocking protests at his Marine son's funeral must yield to First Amendment protections for free speech.
This was the opening sentence of the news article I read today. As I read on, these so called followers of a man who calls himself "Reverend" Fred Phelps had demonstrated at a funeral of a fallen solider with picket signs and chanting "God Hates you...Thank God for dead soldiers....God sent the killer. I thought to myself how could this possibly serve God. All around the world people are killing one another in the name of their god. I sure wish I could be there when they meet their god. I don't think their god exists. Now as I have been brought to believe as a christian that my God hates no one. As he may hate the sin he loves the sinner. Loved us so much that he was willing to die for us. That is the God I know. This man had not only lost his son in Iraq but had to bury him amongst the protesting of these hate filled people. There are so many extremists in the world that are willing to kill as many people that they can in the name of their god. Now I have to admit that I don't have all the answers BUT I will never believe for a moment that God want us to kill. When did he change his 8th commandment?
Having said that, we do kill and we may feel justified in killing but it doesn't mean that God approves. I have sins in my past and will have sins in my future. I hope somehow some of these spiritual leaders sins come to light.I will not cram my beliefs down anybody's throat. You can believe what you want but DO NOT try to force me to YOUR beliefs. We should allow people to believe whatever they want but also keep them to themselves. Do not parade them or flaunt them in any way that offends ME. I don't go demanding that you accept me. However that being said, logically shouldn't those who think we should show tolerance to everyone have to tolerate my intolerance? The supreme court sided with this group citing their 1st amendment rights to free speech. It wouldn't surprise me in the near future that someone knowing that 2 is more than 1 uses their 2nd amendment rights on this group. I will keep my beliefs to myself then but I just may smile. Or maybe go protest.